Saving albums and templates

If you want to save an album or template on disc you click the button Save on the toolbar “Standard” or in the main menu File the options Save... or Save Template... depending on the type of document you are working on. If you save the document for the first time you have to enter a filename for the document in the dialog Save file or Save template that will appear.

If the document has been saved before this dialog will not be shown. The document will be saved with the same name automatically. If you want to give it another name you have to select the option Save As... in the main menu File. The dialog Save album or PSave Template will appear.

If you have opened more albums or templates you can save all documents at the same time with the option Save All in the main menu File. For every new album or template you will be asked to enter a filename.

Albums with templates

If the album uses a template a copy of the template will be saved with the album in the same file. However, if the template has also been modified Stamp Album Studio will ask if the original template must be updated / overwritten. This means that other albums using the same template can also use the latest changes because when an album is opened Stamp Album Studio checks if the original template has been changed.

Assigning a filename to an album or template

The function “Save As” offers you the possibility to enter (another) name for the document. Type this name in the field “File name” or select a name from the list. If the file already exists you will be asked to confirm the overwrite action.

The list contains the contents of the standard map for album files or template files. These maps are defined in the screen “Settings” on the tab “Files”. If you want to save the file in another map you can use the dialog to navigate to that map.

A filename may consist of up to 254 characters. Stamp Album Studio will always add the extension “.alb” for albums and “.tpl” for templates. It is not necessary to enter the extension yourself. You can use all characters except ? : [ ] + = \ / | < >.

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